Let’s Make and Use Special Clik Stik(R) for Blind Dog

We can customize a Clik Stik(R) for blind dog and teach many tricks and obedience works by using it.

Clik Stik(R)

Clik Stik(R) is combined button system clicker, retractable stick and a small ball as target, is useful and a famous tool among clicker training lovers.

Customize for Blind Dog

Blind dog can’t see a target small ball on Clik Stik(R). It is in danger of poking blind dog’s eye. But you can customize Clik Stik(R) for your blind dog.

You can use twinkling of a bell as a target instead of small ball. Sound is best suited to a target for blind dog. And you can avoid a dangerous of poking blind dog’s eye by putting big sponge on small ball.

How to Make and Use Special Clik Stik(R) for Blind Dog

Here is tutorial video including tips for teaching heel position to blind dog.

*I replaced the video by modified version because previous one has some mistakes in the part of Japanese explanation and title. The content of video is the same. (19/Oct/2010)

Let’s try and have fun!

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2 Responses to Let’s Make and Use Special Clik Stik(R) for Blind Dog

  1. Mary A Gilbreth December 22, 2010 at 11:41 #

    Excellent modification of the Clik Stik. Miki, you are a wealth of information for owners of blind dogs *and* owners of seeing dogs. Keep up your amazing work!

    • miki December 24, 2010 at 11:05 #

      Thank you Mary! I hope Premier Pet will make production and distribution the addition item like it as a Clik Stik option for blind dog 🙂

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