This linked article covered the story of a blind dog who wears the plastic whiskers (tie) collar.
Blind dog can ‘see’ again thanks to a set of extra-long plastic whiskers
I’m pleased that she got to enjoy going for a walk due to the plastic whiskers collar. However, in my opinion, to use the plastic whiskers collar might be good way for her but it isn’t better way for her.
Some people say that customized collar and harness for blind dogs like the plastic whiskers collar are helpful for them. But I can’t agree to it.
I agree to wear goggles for dogs in order to protect blind dog’s eye ball. But I don’t think that customized collar or harness for blind dogs is better choice for them.
Any Tools Have Not Only Advantages But Also Disadvantages
On the surface, tools like the plastic whiskers (tie) collar can protect blind dogs from danger and help them. However any tool has not only advantages but also disadvantages. When we choose tools, equipments and ways for dog, we should pay attention to disadvantages and risks of those in order to protect his/her healthy, safe and comfortable life.
Plastic Whiskers (Tie) Collar Disadvantages
- It would injured blind dog if it got broken.
- It might injure eye or any part of body or face of other dogs or people who are nearby or come close to blind dog who is wearing it.
- It might prevent blind dog’s smooth communication with other dogs or people.
- Blind dog might have trouble relaxing completely while he’s wearing it.
- Blind dog would feel anxiety and cut down on his activities while he isn’t wearing it, if he got to depend on it.
- It makes using blind dog’s muzzle difficult. Blind dogs can confirm the shape and measure the height of object such as crate, steps and so on by using their muzzle instead of their eyes. Watch the video to be described below!
The muzzle is one of important tools that blind dog can substitute for the eye
httpvh:// Is Better Way For Enriching The Life Of Blind Dog!
I exhort to enjoy training with blind dog because we can help to build and increase alternatives to blind dog’s eyes through reward-based motivational (positive reinforcement method) training.
The reward-based motivational (positive reinforcement method) dog training exercises and games can
- develop blind dog’s sense of smell and gain skills of using it.
- develop blind dog’s sense of hearing and gain skills of using it.
- teach verbal cues and tiny signals of leash for informing blind dog of what will happen then. And those is useful for us to manage blind dog’s move gently and safely.
- build a relationships of trust with you. It plays a large role in blind dog’s secure feeling.
- enhance blind dog’s self-confidence and self-control.
- give blind dog opportunities to realize his/her potential and capabilities.
Through training, blind dog gets to substitute his/her senses of smell, hearing and touch, handler’s/guradian’s voice, verbal cues and tiny signals of leash for the eye. Without particular kind of equipment, you can keep your blind dog safe, make him/her feel secure and expand his/her sphere of activities.
Blind dog can walk safely on a loose leash like this without any particular equipment. Watch the video to be described below!
Reward-based motivational (positive reinforcement method) training helps to improve the quality-of-life of both human and animal 🙂
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