Very cool video.
Do you mind if I post it on my blog as well?
I like that you shape the behavior and show all the steps. A lot of time with targeting with seeing animals, I find that trainers get sloppy. Rather than actually shaping, they just present the target and wait for the animal to find it and click it. Really nice to see the shaping process here.
Very cool video.
Do you mind if I post it on my blog as well?
I like that you shape the behavior and show all the steps. A lot of time with targeting with seeing animals, I find that trainers get sloppy. Rather than actually shaping, they just present the target and wait for the animal to find it and click it. Really nice to see the shaping process here.
Hi Mary 🙂
Sure!!! I’m very happy if you use our video on your great blog!!!
Thank you for lovely comment and suggestion!